Citi Japan Online Booth Landing Page for Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2021

(English Follows Japanese.)

Updated as of April 26, 2021



Watch As We Raise Our Voices in Song!

At Citi we have many great ways to get involved with fun activities. Take a look as our great Citi Pride Allies in the UK raise their voices in song. You can watch their Youtube video which was recorded from their homes as we adapted to working from home around the world. We hope it brightens your day and shows you some of the ways we stay connected at Citi!


You can watch via the QR code below:

2021年4月  日本におけるシティのアライによるグループ写真。

シティグループは今年もバーチャルでの参加を通じて、東京レインボープライド2021を応援しています! 多様なバックグラウンドや経験を認め合い、ともに尊重しあう平等な社会の構築を推進することを、シティは私たちのカルチャーと価値観の中核に据えています。私たちは、今年のパレードのテーマである “Our Voices, Our Rights” を受け止めることが重要であると考えています。











日本でのLGBT ダイバーシティの取り組みにおいて4 年連続最高評価

PRIDE 指標で「ゴールド」を受賞

シティは、LGBTQ+ などのセクシュアル・マイノリティに関するダイバーシティ・マネージ メントの促進と定着を支援する任意団体「work with Pride」が策定する指標「PRIDE 指 標」において、最上位である「ゴールド」を受賞しました。



Citi is a proud sponsor in support of our LGBTQ + and Ally colleagues in Japan, who are participating virtually in this year's Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2021. Championing inclusivity and equality is central to Citi's culture and values, so we understand how important it is to recognize LGBTQ + Pride and this year's theme of "Our Voices, Our Rights".
2021 – Citi Pride Allies in Japan



At Citi, we are committed to being a truly diverse company that recognizes and respects the varied backgrounds and experiences of our employees. We offer professional development programs to support the career progress and work/life balance of all employees and we have set high diversity targets. We are working determinedly to achieve these targets.

A workforce with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences is crucial to Citi's ability to innovate and deliver results for our clients.


What We Do in Japan

We view diversity as a source of strength. Creating a work environment in which differences are respected and all employees are able to fully demonstrate their talents is therefore a priority. We are striving to make our workplace in Japan even more diverse and dynamic, with people from more than 35 countries working together to maximize their potential.

In Japan, we are committed to enhancing our employees' understanding of LGBTQ+ community. In addition to exchanging information with other industry firms and joining networking groups, we actively participate in community events that promote LGBTQ+ recognition, such as Tokyo Rainbow Pride. Also, we create opportunities for employees to deepen their understanding about LGBT by inviting leaders in the LGBT community to speak at internal seminars.


Recent Press Release:

November 2020

Citi Receives Highest Recognition for LGBT Diversity For Four Consecutive Years

Awarded "Gold" status under Japan PRIDE Index

Tokyo – Citi was again awarded Gold status, the highest recognition, for its workplace inclusion initiatives at the annual Japan PRIDE Index award ceremony hosted by "work with Pride", a Tokyo-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of workplace LGBT diversity.